It is known that Mega Prince Varun Tej is going to marry popular actress Lavanya Tripathi. The couple got engaged on June 9th and are going to tie the knot soon. The Pre wedding was celebrated at Chiranjeevi’s house the other day. Chiranjeevi’s house was beautiful decorated for both Varun and Lavanya celebrated pre wedding party with his family.Photos of the ceremony have gone viral on social media. But his fans are waiting, when will Varun tej get married. Upasana shared in her post where the wedding will take place. Varun Lavanya’s wedding will take place on November 1st week in Tuscany, Italy. The couple is going to get married in a grand resort in Italy. Lavanya is going to look like the bride of a Telugu house in a silk saree. Also there are two grand receptions after the wedding. Nagababu garu is hosting for friends and industry in Hyderabad. Also another reception is going to be hosted at Lavanya’s native place.